So welcome to the world JP ADKINS DESIGNS!Seriously, you should check out his work! It's fantastic!
I'm just going to jump in and tackle the questions he tagged me with, and hope no one is too bored by my answers. If you read something here that sparks a question, don't be shy. Feel free to ask. I love sharing things I've experienced or learned. I hope you'll share with me as well . . .
Here we go:
1.) What are you working on right now?
At the moment several things, each in a different stage of
development. The recent loss of a lovely woman in the publishing
industry left her partner--another incredible individual--deciding she
couldn't carry on with the business alone. But using the same care and
integrity they published with, they made sure everyone had an immediate
revision of rights on stories published with them. I intend to expand
each one, and submit one or two the other publishers, while self-pubbing
the others.
Currently however, I’m concentrating on a series based on some ‘gifts’ I received
while doing paranormal research. (Yes, I’m a serious ghost hunter who works
with a TAPS associated paranormal investigation group, as well as a paranormal
writer! I’m very fortunate to be invited
to unusual places and events, and experience them in ways most individuals rarely
do.) That gift? It was genuine Voodoo blessing dolls, one for each day of the week, each with unique meaning and intent!
I’m working hard to make the projected October release date for BLACK DOLL, book one of the Silent Doll Series a
reality! Based in New Orleans, a city steeped in the metaphysical, each
book in the series begins with the anonymous delivery of a
Voodoo doll.
I also have a non-fiction reference book near completion that I’m excited
about! Titled OF A PARANORMAL PERSUASION: Using Fact to
Create a Believable Paranormal World
it contains working information about ghost hunting. The types of hauntings, indications
of a haunting, ghost hunting equipment from infrared camera systems, digital
cameras, EVP’s (Electronic Voice Projections) and the recorders used to
effectively capture them, to ELF (Extra Low Frequency) light and sound units and how they’re used on site, plus debunking
methods (because serious ghost hunters are first and foremost debunkers!). Debunking includes explanations of paradoilia
and audio matrixing, and how they possibly play into suspected hauntings.
Another section has factual information on Werewolves in cultures around the
globe (bet you thought only vampires were world-wide, didn’t you? lol) -- as well
as North American Shapeshifters and a brief look at Native American Ritual. It
covers Voodoo as it pertains to New Orleans, Voodoo ritual items, and takes a
different look at Marie Leveau. The Wiccan section describes the different
types of witches, wiccan tools, grimoirs and spellbooks, dress and circles, alphabet and
redes. My hope is it will offer a comprehensive compilation for authors to find
those details that make their stories real for their readers by offering them insight
and better understanding.
Well, huh. How to answer that? Apart from loving to implement the unusual and that 'what if' element, I think it differs due to believable detail
from hands-on, personal experience. Of sharing enough about paranormal subject
matter to make the reader go, “Wow! I never knew that!” or “OMG! I never
thought about it like that before. That could actually be possible or true!”
But the way I know I'm finally on track is when a beta reader says, “I never saw that coming!” followed by a quick “I
have GOT to read the rest of that! How soon can you send it to me?”
3.) Why do you write what you
I can’t help laughing with this question! I blame ---um, I mean credit
certain members of my family for my interest in story-telling. As far as the
paranormal part? I’m from Scots-Irish stock, and trace my lineage back to Clan
MacLain of Loch Buie, Scotland. I’ll tell you there’s a standing stone circle
on Clan property, that our family runs long on Solitary Hereditarys, with
a few members who can literally ease a fever by touch or talk the fire out of a burn---
then allow you to draw your own
1 4.) How does your writing process
It’s the trigger that gets me
first. At times a story comes to me complete. I thank my muse with copious
offerings of chocolate when that happens.
Other times it’s a thought, a
dream, a piece of overheard conversation, even a question from someone that
makes me think Boy, would that make a
great story. Could that make a great
story? Where’s my tablet to jot down
research questions to make sure it’s solid. For those times it turns into
copious offerings of chocolate to tempt my stubborn muse to show herself to help make
things interesting and cohesive. Either way, Hershey and Godiva love me.
Probably should buy stock in both to recoup at least part of the expenditure. Okay,
okay! We’re being honest here and I already admitted to being Irish. Sometimes I twist the top off a bottle of
Canadian Mist. Just whiskey, no water; mixing them only ruins them both. Three
fingers straight into a stubby glass. Ice cubes tend to get tossed back at you.
My overall writing process is to
first write down the high points of the idea that caused the spark so I don’t
forget them. Then I think about what type
of character/characters would best tell the tale. Then I think about the story
itself. Let it steep in my mind so plot points bubble up. To give potential
problems and those fanged plot monkeys that always leap out at you a chance to
surface and be dealt with early. I examine my story and characters critically from
every angle, even absurd ones. Study my possible story for structural flaws,
then address them. Finally, I try to
write it so that it lives and breathes and slips into the heart, imagination, and emotions.
And that’s just the rough draft.
Then come the fifteen re-writes and editing sessions where the real work lies!
Readers are intelligent, and
aren’t afraid to call you out on something. Try to gloss over something rather
than deal with it, and get ready for them to let you know about it. I like
my characters to have a few flaws--just like the rest of us humans out here. A person ceases to make mistakes only when
they’re dead, and that’s because they simply don’t have opportunity to make
mistakes any longer. I try to ensure
even my worst villain has some redeeming grace, because no one is totally good,
and no one is totally bad.
things work out, sometimes the Word file ends up pushed to the
background when things don't mesh as well as they should the first time
out. Or admittedly, something newer and shinier catches my attention for
a while.
But each of these stories demands to be told, and it's part and parcel of why I love to write!
Thank you for taking time from your busy day to visit with me. I appreciate the good company! I have some really pretty 'book thongs' looking for new homes. Two will go to random commentors as another way of saying thank you!
Good writing, everyone!
(Hmmm. I'm tentatively tagging Rita Bay, Jamie Farrell, and Paula Hardin! I know these ladies have so much to share about their publishing journeys! I'll get their links up by the end of the day)